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The global nonwovens fiberglass prepreg market in 2021 will reach $ 845.5 million

Research firm MarketsandMarkets recently released a report entitled "Global Nonwovens Fiberglass Prap Market to 2021 Forecast: Applications (Wind, Electronics, Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Other), Regional (Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, North America And the rest of the world), the report predicts that the global nonwovens fiber prepreg market will reach $ 845.5 million by 2021 and the compound annual growth rate from 2016 to 2021 is 8.8%.
Global nonwovens fiber prepreg market value of $ 504.7 million in 2015 is expected to reach $ 845.5 million by 2021, from 8.816 to 2021 compound annual growth rate of 8.8%. This growth is mainly due to the growth in demand for wind energy, the growth in demand for lightweight composites in the automotive industry, and the strong growth in emerging markets and Airbus and Boeing commercial aircraft driven by the growth of nonwovens.
In all applications, the automotive nonwovens fiberglass prepreg is the fastest growing portion of the market for nonwoven glass fiber prepregs. The automotive industry has been rigorously regulated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This has prompted automakers to tend to produce lightweight cars with composite materials such as prepregs. Wind energy is the largest and second-largest application area. The prepreg is mainly used to increase the structural strength and corrosion resistance of wind power blades. Because it is environmentally friendly, so it is a promising industry, it is expected in the future will only rise. More and more attention to the environment, especially in China and India and other countries, is expected to promote wind energy applications in the next five years of growth.
Asia-Pacific region in 2015 accounted for the world's largest non-woven glass fiber prepreg market share. The growth in wind energy in the Asia-Pacific market is due to government support and the growing demand for the region's electricity industry. The increase in consumption of electronic products has also led to the growth of nonwovens fiberglass prepregs due to its use in printed circuit boards for electronic products.
Reprinted this network Zhuangao Please specify the source "China Textile Network"
